Hay historias que son sucedidas pero jamas contadas, así es la historia de Marco A. Quiroz, y su impresionante trayectoria que no podría ni siquiera resumir sin hacer la entrada larguisima, tan solo mencionar que ha sido uno de los iniciadores, precursores, y entusiastas del movimiento del rock en México, así como maestro de muchos otros, hacedor de nuevos espacios, y sobre todo claro ejemplo de calidad musical, de lucha incansable, y de renovación.
Pionero en divulgación cultural, enseñando a todo el mundo que hay más música, que el heavy, y los grandes clásicos, promotor del rock argentino en años en que era desconocido en México, y de innumerables vertientes de la música, gran ser humano y amigo, con mi admiración y respeto.
There are stories that have occurred but never counted, so is the story of Marco A. Quiroz, and his impressive career that could not even summarize without making the lengthy post, just mention who has been one of the initiators, precursors, and enthusiasts of rock movement in Mexico, and teacher of many others, doing new spaces, particularly clear example of musical quality, relentless fighting, and renewal.
A pioneer in cultural outreach, teaching everyone that there is more music, heavy, and the great classics, promoter of Argentine rock in years was unknown in Mexico, and countless strands of music, great human being and friend with my admiration and respect.
Pionero en divulgación cultural, enseñando a todo el mundo que hay más música, que el heavy, y los grandes clásicos, promotor del rock argentino en años en que era desconocido en México, y de innumerables vertientes de la música, gran ser humano y amigo, con mi admiración y respeto.
There are stories that have occurred but never counted, so is the story of Marco A. Quiroz, and his impressive career that could not even summarize without making the lengthy post, just mention who has been one of the initiators, precursors, and enthusiasts of rock movement in Mexico, and teacher of many others, doing new spaces, particularly clear example of musical quality, relentless fighting, and renewal.
A pioneer in cultural outreach, teaching everyone that there is more music, heavy, and the great classics, promoter of Argentine rock in years was unknown in Mexico, and countless strands of music, great human being and friend with my admiration and respect.