"Aquí esta la villa y aquí la banda de Juan perro", esas eran las palabras con las que Juan perro iniciaba su concierto, con el cual invadió de incontables mezclas sonoras la noche, mostrando que no termina su brillante trayectoria, sino que al contrario, emprende siempre nuevos caminos en la búsqueda de sonidos que sin duda alguna consigue, así mismo con su poesía continua haciendo llover las palabras como gotas de lluvia en el suelo.
"This is the village and here the Juan's perro's band" Those were the words of Juan perro began his concert with which invaded countless mixes sound night show it did not end his brilliant career, but unlike , always takes new paths in search of sounds that will undoubtedly get, and it continues to make his poetry with words like rain raindrops on the floor
"This is the village and here the Juan's perro's band" Those were the words of Juan perro began his concert with which invaded countless mixes sound night show it did not end his brilliant career, but unlike , always takes new paths in search of sounds that will undoubtedly get, and it continues to make his poetry with words like rain raindrops on the floor